The entangler call of duty
The entangler call of duty

the entangler call of duty

Framewerk (Game Rules)  058 Chapter Five.

the entangler call of duty

The Art of the Game (Introduction) 048 Chapter Four. That Was Then, This Is Now (Setting) 044 FictioN. catalyst Game labs and the catalyst Game labs logo are trademarks of inMediares Productions, llc. lovecraft are from and remain in the public domain. all characters, names, places, and text herein are copyrighted by black sky studios, used by wildFire llc under license. CthulhuTech and Framewerk are trademarks of Matthew Grau dba black sky studios.

The entangler call of duty license#

©2008, wildFire llc, used under exclusive license from Matthew Grau dba black sky studios. all mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters, and themes. everything contained within is a product of imagination. it is a work of fiction intended as entertainment. Forums, information, & downloads wildFire llc 11700 Marine View drive edmonds, wa 98026 black sky Disclaimer CthulhuTech is a game.

  • Kathy Clark, Dennis Vaillancourt, Rachael Vaillancourt, and the McDonalds for the constant support.
  • J Kovach, for starting the journey with us.
  • The Dreaming in Seattle, for being someplace that something like this can happen.
  • the entangler call of duty

  • Dave Arneson, for always being the man.
  • EOS Press – Aron Anderson, Hsin Hong Chen, Brad Elliott.
  • Trevor Claxton & Marco Nelor, for performance beyond the call of duty.
  • Catalyst Game Labs, for still thinking we’re pretty after the divorce.
  • WildFire, for pulling it all together.
  • Sam Araya, Devin Binger, Lara Dalch, Tim Erickson, Marius Kuykendall, Gaylé Morrison, the Web (,, yog-sothoth. ToM norMan WildFire Operations Management: MiKe Vaillancourt, treVor claxton (Migou Mecha), louis holstein (Monsters), saM araya (Grave thing) interior illustration MiKe Vaillancourt (Pencils), treVor claxton (colors) Concept design Maria cabardo Additional Graphic design & Layout MiKe Vaillancourt Cover design & Book Graphic design & Layout Jeanne Grau, Matthew Grau, JiM wonG Art direction & Logo design

    the entangler call of duty

    Matthew Grau Cthulhutech Framewerk Assistanceįraser McKay Cthulhutech Magic Framework Assistance Matthew Grau, Fraser McKay intellectual Property developer Credits Cthulhutech and Framewerk created by

    The entangler call of duty