Now, extend this class to create a skin, and then use addChild to add display objects to the skin's display list. ILayoutManagerClient, ISimpleStyleClient, Implements IFlexDisplayObject, IInvalidating, Public class ProgrammaticSpriteSkin extends FlexSprite Then the sample type (barcode) is identified via the integral ID.

Tubes are automatically placed onto the processing track of the Bulk Loader. the S-Monovette ) into the bulk loader no sorting or handling required. This means the classes in the module are not accessible to the main application, which can cause problems particularly when using reflection. The innovative Bulk Loader revolutionises sample processing in the clinical laboratory. And the easiest way to achieve that is to duplicate the ProgrammaticSkin class and alter it to extend FlexSprite rather than FlexShape. Flex ModuleLoader ApplicationDomain Posted on By default, the module loader loads modules in a new application domain.
To make skins that are sprites, all we need is a programmatic skin base class that's a sprite.

In your main application, you can point the ModuleLoader url property to the SWF.
Looking at the ProgrammaticSkin class you'll notice that it extends FlexShape and implements a number of interfaces, including the important IFlexDisplayObject. View online (233 pages) or download PDF (4 MB) Adobe Flex Builder 3.0. The difference between Flex ModuleLoader and ModuleManager, ModuleManager load module instance, Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts. If the ability to unload the code during the runtime is important to. This module provides Angular developers with component layout. They can be loaded and unloaded during the runtime using Flex's ModuleLoader loader. I couldn't find any documentation on what interfaces a skin must implement, but as far as I can tell IFlexDisplayObject is the only essential one (even IProgrammaticSkin is optional). Angular Flex Layout provides a sophisticated layout API using Flexbox CSS + mediaQuery. But a skin can be a Sprite, for example, or even a MovieClip, or a Loader, or whatever.

It's just that the ProgrammaticSkin base class, and all the halo skins, are shapes. But it's actually a lot simpler than that. Descriptive flexfields can be context sensitive, where the information your application stores depends on other values your users enter in other parts of the form. What there is often suggests you have to add the text field as a child of the skin's parent. Descriptive flexfields lets you add additional fields to the form in order to track additional information needed by the business that would not be captured by the standard form. There's not a lot written about using text fields (or any other display object) in a programmatic skin. I've been doing a lot of Flex skinning recently so expect a few posts about that over the next few days. Flex is the bestseller, super flexible, multi-purpose Joomla template that can fit in any type of website you are building.